The national history of Spain dates back to the fifth century.
The most important periods of the Spanish history are, the Iberian Peninsula (9th - 6th century BCE), Roman Empire and Germanic Invasions (2nd century BCE - 5th century), Muslim Iberia (8th - 11th century), Fall of Muslim rule and Unification (12th - 14th century), The transition from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century (16th – 19th century), The early nineteenth century, Consequences of the Napoleonic rule in Spain (1812 - 1939), Twentieth century and the Twenty first century.
Here it is a list of important moments in history of Spain.
- 9th century BCE First Greek colonies were founded along the Mediterranean coast on the East.
- 6th century BCE Carthaginians arrived in Iberia
- 2nd century BCE Romans arrived in the Iberian peninsula during the Second Punic war.
306 Spanish Bishops held the Council at Elvira.
- 5th century The first hordes of Barbarians invade Hispania, as the Roman empire decayed.
- 8th century Nearly all the Iberian peninsula, was quickly conquered (711–718), by Berber Muslims.
722 Beginning of the expansion of the Christian kingdoms.
739 Muslim forces are driven out of Galicia.
801 Franks seize Barcelona.
- 11th century Brake up of Al- Andalus and creation of the Taifa kingdoms.
- 11th century Most of the north and central Spain are back under Christian control.
1085 Christian reconquest of Toledo.
1086 Ascetic Islamic sect (Almoravids) conquered small Moorish states and launched an invasion capturing parts of the east coast.
- 12th century Disintegration of the Almoravid empire.
1212 The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. Collapse of the great Moorish strongholds in the south.
1236 Collapse of the strongholds in Cordoba.
1248 Collapse of the strongholds in Seville.
- 13th century Most of the Muslim population is gradually converted to Catholics
1478 Establishing of the Spanish Inquisition.
1492 Isabella and Ferdinand captured the last Moorish city in Spain - Granada. Discovery of the New World.
1499 A Muslim rising is crushed.
1502 The First expulsions of Muslims.
1580 Philip II, became King of Portugal.
1640 Wars are provoked by the centralist policy of the Count-Duke of Olivares in Portugal and Catalonia.
- 16th - 17th century The Spanish Golden Age.
1707 Uniting of Castile`s and Aragon`s Kingdoms into Kingdom of Spain.
1793 War with France witch polarized the country against the Gallicised elitesM
- 19th century
17th of March 1808 Abdication of Charles IV.
2nd of May 1808 People of Madrid rose in arms against commanded by Marshall Joachim Murat, French Army.
18th - 22nd of July 1808 Battle of Bailen.A defeat of the Spanish army over Napoleonic army.
1812 A new form of Government redacted by the Liberal Cortes of Cadiz.
1814 Pushing out of the French from Spain and returning of king Ferdinant VII.
1898 Begining of the Spanish-American War.
- 20th - 21st centuries - the new history
1921 A military disaster in Morocco.
1923 - 1931 Dictatorial rule under General Miguel Primo de Rivera, the result is establishment of the Second Spanish Republic.
1939 Brutal dictatorship is established.
1936 - 1939 Spanish Civil War.
1940 Francisco Franco and the foreign minister, Ramon Serrano Suner, met Adolf Hitler to discuss the Spanish participation in World War II.
1975 After General Franco`s death, Prince Juan Carlos took the position of king and head of state.
1st of January 1999 Euro is adobpted as a national currency in Spain.
November 2002 A huge oil spill si caused by the oul tanker Prestige that sank near the Galician coast.One of the worst environmental distasters in Spanish history.
11th of March 2004 Series of bomb explosions in commuter trains in Madrid killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,460.That had a huge effect on the upcoming national elections.